Security Screen Doors | Trellises | Enclosures | Window Guards | Railings | Pool and View Fences | Gates | Decorative and Other Miscellaneous Items
From pool and balcony fences to wall toppers, The Larger Company creates pieces that combine special design elements with functional security features. All of our fences are built to code to uphold safety standards and give our clients peace of mind. Bring us in the design you’re thinking about or pick something from our portfolio.
- custom size of pickets
- smashed and speared pickets
- Bent and capped pickets core drilled with no horizontal bars
- fencing on top of walls
- screen or mesh welded to a fence
- Railings at steps and patio with decorative “knuckles” added
- Patio fence rails with small gate
- Fencing
- indoor rails or fencing
- Balcony / upper level fencing rails radiused to fit.
- Balcony rails or fencing
- Balcony railings
- Custom bent Fencing and gate
- full yard or business fencing
- Straight picket design ontop of the wall.
- A creative railing designed to keep people from climbing over the wall.
- Fencing and gate
- Pool fences built to code
- Radius Balcony Railing
- Fencing on top of the wall custom built to dodge a tree
- #404
- Alternating wavy and straight pickets
- fencing over rocks with a gate
- Custom fencing at entry way with an arched gate
- fencing on top of wall
- Vine fence panel with perforated metal screen trimmed
- Pool fencing with gate to code
- Corrugated horizontally with a rust finish
- Corrugated Vertical fence top with unique roll gate
- Corrugated fencing with a unique wheel gate supplied by customer
- Fence panels with knuckles
- fence roll gate and panels with knuckles and cutouts
- Horizontal corrugated fencing left to rust on it’s own
- fencing on top of wall #103 scrolls
- Corrugated fencing on top of wall left to rust on it’s own with a #470 gate
- fence panels
- Bent pickets, pool fence panels with a single gate
- Custom Scroll design on top of wall
- Patio Fencing with single gate
- Fence panel or a barrier to hide utilities
- Fencing Straight -Wavy between columns
- fencing with knuckles on top of wall
- fence panels